
Please visit to find the closest COVID-19 rapid testing location.

Effective October 1, 2022, travellers will no longer be required to wear masks on planes. Although the masking requirement is being lifted, all travellers are strongly recommended to wear high quality and well-fitted masks during their journeys.

Additionally your destination may have masking rules that are different than Alberta. Please check with your airline to see what rules and regulations your destination has in place.

Effective October 1, 2022, all travellers, regardless of citizenship, will no longer have to carry out COVID-19-related quarantine or isolation, nor monitor and report if they develop signs or symptoms of COVID-19 upon arriving to Canada.

This information is evolving regularly. Please visit the Government of Canada’s website for the latest health care advice and information. Information is also available from the Government of Alberta

Effective October 1, 2022, all COVID-19 entry restrictions, as well as testing, quarantine and isolation requirements for anyone entering Canada will be removed. Travellers will also not be required to submit public health information through the ArriveCAN app or website.

Please consult with your airline or government website of the country you are visiting to determine what testing requirements may be required. Even fully vaccinated travellers may be required to take a test depending on the rules of where you are going.

Effective October 1, 2022, all travellers, regardless of citizenship, will no longer have to provide proof of vaccination when coming to Canada.

Other countries may have different rules to enter their country —  travellers need to ensure they are aware of the rules in that country before they depart from Edmonton but coming back to Edmonton from another country – they won’t have to do the same travel processes they are doing now arriving into Canada.

Yes. Many of our concessions and shops are open. Passengers are permitted to take their food and drink, including alcoholic drinks, to their gates and eat there as well as any restaurant 

Our enhanced cleaning operations will continue for as long as they are necessary.  Safety is our top priority. 

Effective October 1, 2022, all travellers, regardless of citizenship, will no longer have to undergo pre- or on-arrival testing.

Travellers will also not be required to submit public health information through the ArriveCAN app or website, carry out COVID-19-related quarantine or isolation, nor monitor and report if they develop signs or symptoms of COVID-19 upon arriving to Canada.

If people entered Canada in the 14 days before Oct 1 – as of Saturday, Oct 1 they will not be required to complete the remainder of their quarantine or isolation or complete their testing requirements.

Please review information from the Government of Canada available here for more.  

Our Value Park/Parkade operations have changed. We no longer have cashier service at the exit plaza to assist customers. However, credit card payments are still accepted at the self-serve exit gates. For cash and debit payments, customers should go to the Ground Transportation office on the Arrivals level between doors 5 and 7. This office is open 24/7. 

Effective October 1, 2022, travellers will no longer be required to wear masks on planes. Although the masking requirement is being lifted, all travellers are strongly recommended to wear high quality and well-fitted masks during their journeys.

Effective October 1, 2022, travellers will no longer be required to wear masks on planes. Although the masking requirement is being lifted, all travellers are strongly recommended to wear high quality and well-fitted masks during their journeys.

Security screening checkpoints are controlled by the Canadian Air Transport Safety Authority (CATSA) and they have their own cleaning arrangements. Please contact CATSA if you have concerns about cleaning standards at the security screening checkpoints.  

You must leave the airport immediately. You will not be permitted to board your flight. Contact your air carrier for more information about re-booking.

Yes. With restrictions lifted, everyone is welcome in the airport again. Whether picking up, dropping off, or just here to visit.

Canadian federal policy constitutes ‘fully vaccinated’ as two shots. Always check with your airline and your end destination on the vaccination requirements when you plan your travel.

There are no requirements to provide documentation stating that you’ve had COVID and recovered from it, in order to travel within Canada. The only requirement for travel within Canada is proof of vaccination and that you have been symptom free for 15 days or have a medical note saying any current symptoms are not COVID related.

For any international destinations please check with your airline or government websites for the country you are travelling to.

Effective October 1, 2022, all travellers, regardless of citizenship, will no longer have to provide proof of vaccination when coming to Canada.

Other countries may have different rules to enter their country —  travellers need to ensure they are aware of the rules in that country before they depart from Edmonton but coming back to Edmonton from another country – they won’t have to do the same travel processes they are doing now arriving into Canada.

Read more about the removal of COVID-19 border and travel measures on the Government of Canada website

Effective October 1, 2022, all travellers, regardless of citizenship, will no longer have to undergo pre- or on-arrival testing.

If people entered Canada in the 14 days before Oct 1 – as of Saturday, Oct 1 they will not be required to complete the remainder of their quarantine or isolation or complete their testing requirements.

Effective October 1, 2022, all travellers, regardless of citizenship, will no longer have to undergo pre- or on-arrival testing.

If people entered Canada in the 14 days before Oct 1 – as of Saturday, Oct 1 they will not be required to complete the remainder of their quarantine or isolation or complete their testing requirements.

Testing requirements vary by every country and even different parts of Canada. Your airline is the best place to get information on what is required for the destination you’re travelling to. You can also visit The Government of Canada website to learn about restrictions across Canada and the world.