
Villeneuve Airport is a general aviation airport northwest of Edmonton.

Safety is our priority

The safety of our passengers, tenants, staff and contractors is a primary focus for YEG.

Please review these guidelines, requirements and forms before beginning any construction or maintenance in the terminal or around the airport.

If emergency repairs are needed, please call:

All other regular maintenance or construction work should proceed as follows.

General requirements

There is a mix of property ownership at Villeneuve Airport. With some facilities and parcels of land being leased and other facilities are privately owned.

These requirements apply to all properties at VA. This includes work on privately owned property or facilities that may impact airport infrastructure or operations. This also includes creating access to aprons or taxiways, extending an existing building or tying into airport utilities.

No construction or demolition work can be done on any VA site without an approved permit, and any work found being conducted without an approved permit may be shut down.  If the works goes beyond your lease or property boundaries, you may be required to have a license agreement with our Commercial Development department before you can proceed with work.

Safety and environment – We ensure that the safety and security of our customers, staff, facilities and environment is a primary concern in all aspects of doing business. Your work may require that you follow some or all components of our Environment and Safety Management program.

Activities adjacent or on airfield operating surfaces –  If your work is adjacent to or on an apron, taxiway or runway, there are guidelines that must be met in order to maintain airside operational integrity as required by Transport Canada.

This will include a “Plan of Construction Operations” (PCO) approved by Transport Canada. Approval of the PCO is required before Edmonton Airports will approve any construction for FAPs that are airside. Contact Edmonton Airports’ Manager of Operational Compliance at 780 890 8530 if in doubt whether your project needs this approval.  You may also be required to license your access to the airfield if it is outside of your lease boundary. Contact your Real Estate Services leasing representative for more details.

Utilities – Edmonton Airports owns many of the utilities on site. In order to maintain service levels and safety at the airport, we have requirements that need to be met before tying into any of our systems.  We also have specific requirements when you are completing work that may impair our fire suppression system, click here for information about submitting a Notice of Impairment.

It is recommended that all Utility Connection Request forms be completed and submitted prior to FAP submission to ensure capacity is available before proceeding with detailed design.

Submit a Request for Information (RFI) form to find out what services are available on or adjacent to your site.

Deliverables – As a responsible site owner, Edmonton Airports maintains current records of all work that occurs at the airport. All work that is approved will be required to provide record drawings and copies of approvals received from the Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Here is a list of documents we may require to be submitted for construction and maintenance projects.

Activities that may impact airport operations or infrastructure require a Facility Alteration Permit (FAP) before any work may proceed. The FAP process reviews all proposed construction and development to ensure work doesn’t harm airport operations or infrastructure.

For more information, visit:

Standards ensure safe and efficient operations at Villeneuve Airport.

Sturgeon County is the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction for both Development (Land Use Bylaw) and the Alberta Safety Code. Edmonton Airports has also established standards to supplement the County’s bylaws and standards.

Sturgeon County may also refer to Edmonton Airports as the Authority on any items that affect aviation development.

Before undertaking any development, please download and review our Villeneuve Airport Development Guidelines.


Access and setback

  • Front Yard Setback – 1.0 m (3.3 ft) from the lot line that boundaries a service road or other public roadway.
  • Rear Yard Setback – 5.0 m (16.4 ft) from the lot line that boundaries the airside taxiway or opposite of the Front Yard Setback
  • Side Yard Setback – 3.0 m (9.8 ft) from the lot line adjacent to the Front or Rear Yard Setbacks
  • Developer will require a license agreement if access is off a privately owned roadway. Please contact Edmonton Airports for clarification.

Garbage containment

  • All outdoor garbage must be stored in approved sealed containers to prevent the attraction of wildlife and bird hazards.
  • Storage must be screened from the street.


  • All parking must be within the confines of the tenant’s site (off street)

Connection to aprons and taxiways

  • Any connections to the aprons and taxiways must be approved by Edmonton Airports prior to construction starting.  Any connection must be detailed by an Engineer, stamped and sealed, or adhere to the Villeneuve Paving Standards drawing.

Utilities ​

Domestic water

  • Water meters are required with all water services
  • Review the Development Guidelines

Fire water service

  • Fire Water Service is limited. Contact Edmonton Airports for information specific to your site
  • Review the Development Guidelines

Sanitary Service

Review the Development Guidelines


  • Site is to have a stormwater oil and grit separator installed in any catch basins
  • Road access crossing storm drainage must be built to EA’s standard or be designed, stamped and sealed by an Engineer.


There is limited access to the fibre and telecom utilities provided by Edmonton Airports. Contact Edmonton Airports to see what is available within the proximity of your lot.


Provided by Fortis

Natural Gas

Provided by ATCO Gas


Variances may be given to allow the applicant to deviate from some of the above mentioned standards. In most cases, the applicant will need to be applying for or have an approved Facility Alteration Permit in place in order for a variance to be reviewed.

Details of the nature of the variance request are to be made via email to: and must include why the author of the request is seeking the variance, as well as the Facility Alteration Permit number the request is being made under.