
Your safety is our priority

Your safety and security are top priorities for Edmonton International Airport, our daily visitors, airlines, agencies and service providers.

Follow these guidelines to clear security quickly and smoothly.

Prepare for your security screening

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) is responsible for screening all passengers and personnel and their belongings at the airport. Always check with CATSA if you are unsure about what you can bring onto a flight.

Have your boarding pass ready

  • Be prepared to present your boarding pass and identification several times during security screening
  • Remember to take your boarding pass and documentation when you leave security

Screening personal items (carry-on baggage, outerwear, personal items)

  • Place your hand baggage and personal items into the plastic trays for screening
  • Do not bring wrapped gifts through security. Place wrapped gifts in your checked luggage or wrap them after security or at your end destination. This will speed up your time in line. If you have anything wrapped – be prepared that an officer may need to unwrap the gift

Electronic devices

  • Remove laptops and all other electronic devices (phones, tablets, e-readers)
  • Place them in the trays and do not overlap or place other items on top

Liquids, gels and aerosols

  • Liquids, gels and aerosols in containers up to 100 ml/100 g (3.4 oz) are permitted
  • Place your liquids and gel items in a clear 1L plastic bag and place the bag into the screening bin
  • Visit CATSA’s Liquids, Non-solid Food & Personal Items page to see full requirements, including information on baby food and medicine

Remove outerwear

  • Remove all coats, scarves and outerwear, and place in the screening bin
  • For US destinations: remove your shoes and place in the bins
  • For domestic and international destinations: only remove shoes if they have metal in them (steel-toed boots or shoes with metal heels)

Check your pockets

  • Remove any small items, especially keys and coins, from your pockets and place into your bin

Carry-on luggage

  • Load your plastic bins and carry-on luggage onto the screening belt as required

Strollers, wheelchairs and other items

  • CATSA agents will provide guidance on where and how to proceed

Proceed through the metal detectors as directed

  • Some passengers or baggage may be selected for additional screening
  • Remember to collect all of your personal items before you leave security

Security checkpoints at YEG

Central Security (domestic and international flights)

If you are travelling within Canada or to an international destination (not US), you will use Central Security after you have checked into your flight.

Central Security is located between Hudson News and Travel + Leisure on Departures Level 2.

NEW: Central Security and CATSA Plus Enhancements

Central Security Portal-SideView

US Departures Security

After you check-in for your direct flight to the US, remain on the Departures level and walk south, past the Delta check-in counters.

You will enter a wide corridor past the WestJet (US) check-in counters.

Drop your checked bags on the US bag drop belt and proceed to the south end of the building.

You will reach US Customs and Border Protection (USCBP) and continue into our US Departures Lounge.

US Security Gate / Customs Lineup