
Access for all

Everyone can enjoy a barrier-free and accessible travel experience at YEG.

The Edmonton International Airport (YEG) is subject to the Accessible Transportation for Persons with Disabilities Regulations and the provisions of these regulations that apply to it, and the services that it offers to persons with disabilities and any conditions that apply to those services.


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Upon request, an accessible alternate format (e.g print, large print, Braille, audio format or an electronic format that is compatible with adaptive technology) of this AccessibilityPlan, Progress Reports or the Feedback Process can be provided by contacting us at the mailing address, phone number or email outlined below, or through any other links provided on this page.
Mailing Address:Passenger Experience Department1, 1000 Airport RoadEdmonton International Airport, AlbertaT9E 0V3 Canada
Phone number:780 890 8382
Email:Manager, Passenger Experience and Terminal

Any complaint about The Edmonton Regional Airports Authority not following these regulations should be submitted to:

2024 Accessibility Progress Report

We published our first Passenger Accessibility Plan in 2023, which identifies our investment in accessibility and documents the 49 commitments to improve the experience. This 2024 Accessibility Progress Report provides an update on our progress in meeting our commitments.

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Passenger Accessibility Plan 2023-2026

At Edmonton International Airport (YEG), we believe everyone should have access in order to enjoy a barrier-free and accessible travel experience. We recognize that more than eight per cent of people with disabilities, visible or invisible, require assistance when at the airport. Over the years we have set out to improve accessibility, but now more than ever, we are turning our accessibility commitments into impactful, actionable tasks that aim to make travel through YEG a better experience for everyone. With our trusted partnerships, our dedicated staff, and our passengers who make YEG possible, we lead with people-first initiatives. For us, it’s about paving the way as an inclusive, community-oriented space that caters to fostering long-lasting relationships that bring people together, anywhere. YEG is your reliable connection to wherever you need to go.

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Learn more (French)