About YEG
Our vision is simple: “More flights to more places.”
Edmonton International Airport, Canada’s fifth-busiest airport, is operated by the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority (or Edmonton Airports), a community-based, not-for-profit corporation established in 1990.
Learn more about how you can support YEG and help us achieve this vision.
Governance & accountability
What is the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority?
The Regional Airports Authorities Act of 1989 governs airport authorities in Alberta. The Edmonton Regional Airports Authority (widely known as Edmonton Airports) was established under this act in 1990. Transport Canada officially handed the management of the Edmonton International Airport to Edmonton Airports on August 1, 1992.
YEG leases land from Transport Canada. The Authority is legally and financially independent. No government or other body has a call on the assets of the Authority, nor are they liable for the debts of the Authority. By law, the Authority does not have equity shareholders nor do we provide any external body with an equity interest in our organization. We operate as a not-for-profit corporation. All income and surpluses must be re-invested into airport operations.
The Regional Airports Authorities Act contains provisions to ensure that Edmonton Airports is accountable, and that we represent the best interests of the region and the public. These measures include:
Appointment of directors
Area municipalities, the City of Edmonton, the Government of Canada and the Board of Directors have the ability to appoint up to 15 Directors. During their term, Directors must represent what they view as the best interests of the Airports Authority and the region.
Public reports and information
We are required to make our annual reports, audited financial statements and our Board of Directors available to the public.
Annual public meeting
We are required to hold an annual public meeting where our board and management present the annual report, financial statements and our statement of operational goals for the current fiscal year. The public is invited to ask questions and make comments to the Board and senior management of the authority.
Performance review
Every 5 years we are required to commission an independent performance review by a qualified firm. This review evaluates the extent to which we have fulfilled our purposes and assesses the overall management, operation and financial performance of Edmonton Airports.
Ministerial approval
Amendments to Edmonton Airports’ practices of association must be approved by the Minister of Transport.
Notice of special resolution
The Regional Airports Authorities Act requires that the appointers to Edmonton Airports receive adequate notice of any special resolution to be considered by the Board of Directors.