
Are you an aviation enthusiast?

Here are a few interesting stats and facts about YEG.

About the Airport


  • YEG is Canada’s most northerly 24-hour major airport
  • Our elevation is 723 metres or 2,372 feet above sea level
  • We have access to 2 major highways in Alberta (QEII and Yellowhead TransCanada)

Size & Capacity

  • YEG is the 5th busiest airport in Canada in terms of passengers
  • It is Canada’s largest major airport by land mass (just under 7,000 acres)
  • In 2018 8.2 million passengers passed through YEG


YEG has 2 runways in an open “V” configuration:

  • Our runways can accommodate any size of aircraft
  • The Antonov 225, the world’s largest cargo carrier, has used YEG on several occasions
  • No restrictions on aircraft weight and passenger loads
Length (feet)
Width (feet)


Length (feet)


Width (feet)






Length (feet)


Width (feet)





YEG has 4 aprons.

Apron I

  • In front of the air terminal building
  • 672,000 square feet
  • 16 aircraft parking positions + 2 for General Aviation parking

Apron II

  • Is northeast of the terminal building
  • 272,600 square feet
  • A common-use ramp for general aviation aircraft, military and courier operations

Apron III

  • In AirLinks Cargo Park next to Runway 02/20
  • 164,000 square feet
  • Dedicated to cargo operations and large aircraft maintenance hangars, and is located
  • The concrete ramp & taxiway is designed for the heaviest freighter aircraft

Apron IV

  • Is along Tango taxiway
  • 140 929 square feet
  • A common-use ramp designed for large freighter aircraft

Navigational and landing aids

  • YEG offers 24-hour service to accommodate any aircraft at any time
  • The Edmonton Area Control Centre is part of the airport’s operations facility. It provides radar and non-radar Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) control service to all aircraft operating in controlled airspace, and to aircraft operating under Visual Flight Rules (VFR).
  • YEG is the base for the Western Region Area Control Centre responsible for all aircraft movements over Alberta and most of northern Canada, including the high Arctic
  • Runways 02, 12 and 30 are equipped with Category 1 High Intensity Centre Row Approach Lighting as well as a SSALR approach lighting system
  • Runway 20 is equipped with Low Intensity Centre Row Approach Lighting with runway identification lights
  • All runways include High Intensity threshold and runway lights.

The Airport contains the following navigational and approach aids:

  • Approach radar, Terminal area radar, Secondary surveillance radar, RVR measurement, ILS, VOR, DME, NDB, REILS, TACAN, VASIS
  • Full front course Instrument Landing Systems are included on Runways 02, 12 and 30, with a back course approach system on Runway 20