
When news breaks, we need your help to get the right message out

That’s why we have supports and procedures to ensure you get the correct information, quickly.

Emergency news resources

Emergency Media Centre

In the event of an emergency at YEG, media will have access to the Media Centre located in Renaissance Edmonton Airport Hotel.

Please report to the Media Centre for the most up-to-date information, to obtain interviews, and to arrange any passes and escorts required to cover the story. Any media pools that may be required will also be organized here.

Emergency media interviews

On the record interviews may be obtained from only these contacts:

Website & social media

In the event of an emergency, we strongly advise you to regularly check our Twitter feed @FlyYEG and our homepage for updates.

In an emergency, additional staff are assigned to keep our social media channels updated.

Villeneuve Airport

Edmonton Airports also manages Villeneuve Airport. No media relations personnel are located on site. Please contact Corporate Communications in advance of your visit.


Media must park in Easy Parkade or the Value Park Lot. Corporate Communications will provide media personnel with complimentary parking vouchers.

For parking access to accommodate live broadcasts, please arrange parking in advance with Corporate Communications.

Please note that media who park elsewhere or without permission may be ticketed and towed.