
Are you working inside or outside the terminal?

There are requirements specific to work within the Terminal Building, in a building owned by YEG or outside the Terminal Building around Edmonton International Airport.

These requirements ensure the continued safety of our passengers, tenants and staff.

Inside the Terminal

Edmonton Airports has design guidelines for any general construction that may occur within the terminal to maintain compatibility with existing finishes and building systems. This includes the installation of cabling, floor finishes, etc.

Submit a Request for Information form through the Infrastructure forms page.

You may also use the Maintenance Advisory Form on the Infrastructure forms page to help you determine the documentation required.

The Landlord’s Scope of Work will detail requirements for finishes and construction within tenant spaces to be developed.

Contact your Concessions or Retail Specialist for what is required in your particular instance.

To minimize disruptions to passengers and staff due to construction activities there are requirements around theses activities within the terminal. Review our Guidelines for Minimizing Disruptions Due to Construction within the Terminal Building.

Hoarding will be required anytime construction is occurring within public areas and there may be limitations on when work can occur. Review our Construction Hoarding Requirements.

As parts of the original terminal building were built in 1960, north of gridline n6 (old gridline 28x), there may be asbestos or mineral wool present. Check our Asbestos Guidelines to see if your area of work may be affected and if so, what requirements must be met while doing work in the area.

Outside the terminal, at tenant facilities or other buildings owned by YEG

There are design and development guidelines for Edmonton International Airport.

Details may be found in General Landscape Guidelines.

Airport Security

If your work is adjacent to or inside the primary security line, there are guidelines that must be met in order to maintain airside security as required by Transport Canada. This will include a “Plan of Construction Operations” (PCO) approved by Transport Canada. Approval of the PCO is required before Edmonton Airports will approve any construction for FAPs that are airside.

Review the Construction Security Plan.

If you are uncertain, please contact:

Hazardous Materials

Due to the age of some of the buildings at YEG, there is a possibility that it may have asbestos (or other hazardous materials) in it. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure proper procedures are followed and precautions taken before starting work at any of these facilities.  Review the Hazardous Materials document to find possible locations for asbestos.

Ground Disturbance (Excavation)

The airport is a unique environment with many private and public utilities on site. All excavation and ground disturbance must have an approved FAP and completed Alberta One Call tickets for all registered utilities (including Edmonton Airports) prior to breaking ground. Edmonton Airports is a registered member of Alberta One Call and locators will be dispatched through the Alberta One Call Centre.

Directional drilling will require engineered drawings showing utilities in the area and cross sections of the drill path to be submitted. Edmonton Airports will also require a Ground Level Disturbance Level II supervisor to be present during the work.

For more details on ground disturbance activities at Edmonton International Airport, please review our Guidelines for Ground Disturbance document.