
You need better systems and more profit in your parking program – We can help you with that.

Historical revenue and market analysis

We dive deep to understand your business:

  • Examine current market including competitors
  • Determine impact of hotels and ground transportation on revenues
  • Create customer payment profiles based on volumes, duration, price points, peak periods and capacity
  • Review revenue per enplaned passenger and per stall
  • Analysis of current parking product portfolio and future product recommendations including pricing, lot layout and payment automation

Review and develop policies, processes, procedures and guidelines

  • Examine current policies for parking and ground transportation
  • Develop or enhance new policy and procedure manuals, including cash handling, security, commercial vehicles and customer service
  • Examine and recommend curb design and operations improvements
  • Assess current providers including taxi, commercial and disruptive technologies and provide recommendations for ideal operations

Parking systems and technologies

  • Examine current systems and security
  • Recommend solutions to meet your needs for online booking systems, valet systems, data and dynamic pricing systems, and mobile and apps integrations

Marketing and customer experience

  • Creation of identifiable branding including signage, wayfinding and safety
  • Marketing campaigns
    • Planning
    • Creative support
    • Media planning and execution
    • Campaign tracking
  • Customer service standards and training
  • Taxi training programs

Analysis and recommendations for airport non-aeronautical agreements for

  • Car rental
  • Taxi
  • Commercial curb access
  • Parking system support
  • Operations and labour

Want to find ways to grow revenue through your parking program?

Schedule a free consultation to find out how easily you can grow profit by maximizing your parking services.