
Your airport parking program can make you more money

Operating an airport parking program can be challenging and complex.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Your airport can have:

  • Parking systems and processes that meet your unique airport and customer needs
  • Custom tools, agreements and policies that create ease (and profit) in your parking management program
  • Branded assets that attract the right partners, clients and customers

And with all of these pieces in place, your airport will grow non-aeronautical revenue and increase your bottom line.

Why choose YEG Parking Management Solutions?

We provide consultation and strategy to help you solve a specific airport parking challenge or to create a complete, end-to-end solution that fits your airport’s size, needs and budget.

After working with YEG Parking Management Solutions, you’ll know how to manage, grow and market your assets to increase your non-aeronautical revenues and support your airport.

Are you ready to find ways to maximize your parking program and grow profit?

Parking brands supported

Value Park

Easy Parkade

Priority Valet

jetSet Parking

Call to book your free consultation