
In this installation, Fitch aims to reveal the quirky, subconscious realities inherent in the presentation of visual merchandising.

Fascinated by both the seductiveness and banal conventionality of advertising, Fitch re-creates its iconography through unlikely materials, shapes and gestures – and opens a door to where very familiar might become very strange. Likewise she wants materials she uses to somehow thwart expected social use and reveal a life of their own.

The installation shows the glass case as a large snow globe, with the trademark figure looking back at the viewer – and past the viewer to the global landscape beyond.

Snow Globe: The Long View by Claudia Fitch

  • Collection Signature Collection
  • Location of Work South Terminal, Departures Level 2
  • Creation Date 2012
  • Installation Date 2012
  • Medium Mixed Media Sculpture
  • Website

ArtistClaudia Fitch

Claudia Fitch received her BFA in Painting from the University of Washington and a MFA from Tyler School of Art, Temple University in Philadelphia and Rome, Italy. Fitch has exhibited at the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York City and the Seattle Art Museum and Portland Art Museum.

Honors include an NEA Fellowship Grant in Sculpture, Pollack-Krasner Foundation Grant, and the Art + Architecture Fellowship at the European Ceramics Work Centre. Public art commissions include Quest Field in Seattle. She is represented by Greg Kucera Gallery in Seattle and Adam Baumgold Gallery in New York.

Hometown: Seattle, WA